Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative and Public-Private Dialogue

Department of Commerce - The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Forum on Industrial Water Use is a no-cost event that will focus on water supply and related quality issues affecting the U.S. manufacturing sector. Water quantity is a growing concern in the U.S., and companies across a range of industry sectors are raising questions about water scarcity now and in the future. These questions highlight the potential risk water scarcity poses to business continuity and the need to include the issue in company sustainability strategies.

Presenters at this forum will discuss the current state of industrial water use, including trends, challenges, and needs from the government, NGO and industry perspectives. Attendees will also be encouraged to share their views and experiences. Representatives from U.S. manufacturers, industry and trade associations, academia, non-governmental organizations and other federal and state government agencies are encouraged to attend.

The Forum will be held on September 23rd, 2010 from 8:30am – 12:00pm at Department of Commerce headquarters in Washington, D.C. (1401 Constitution Ave. NW, Room 4830). For additional information on the Forum, or to register for this free event, please click here.

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