These days, bookstore shelves are growing crowded with texts on sustainable business management, but few are written by pioneers like Jeffrey Hollender who has created and continues to foster a leading brand built on the values of sustainability...The most significant contribution that this book makes is providing a detailed examination of companies such as Marks & Spencer, Nike and Timberland that in some cases have gone from zero to ten in terms of adopting sustainability strategies to innovate, increase market share and further customer loyalty. The transformation of an organization from one that thinks about the short-term, internal aspects of sustainability to one that embraces a long-term, external approach is what the Responsibility Revolution is all about.
So, whether you’re an entrepreneur who’s starting from scratch and seeking guidance on how to build sustainability into the DNA of your business or, if you’re a seasoned manager motivated to deliver increased value to your organization, The Responsibility Revolution is worth the read. For a limited time, the first chapter is available for free, online
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