Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thinking Differently About High School Education

NAM Shop Floor Blog (Wood) - Amy Rosen, President & CEO of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, has a good summary at The Huffington Post of a promising new initiative to restructure high school education to better prepare students for higher eduction or entering the workforce, while also improving educational accountability. From “Educational Reform We Can Believe In“:
Education can be exciting. Very exciting.
Case in point — there is a new program being offered to students in 8 states — a new program that will help prepare them for college and beyond. Organized by the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), the initiative will allow 10th graders to take a series of board examinations to test their mastery of basic educational requirements. If they pass, the students will have the opportunity to graduate early and attend a community college. If they fail, parents and teachers will be made aware of the basic challenges that still need to be overcome.
Either way, it’s a win-win for the students and for the rest of us who care for them now, but will depend on them later.

1 comment:

  1. Please, this is no reform you can believe in. In Philadelphia high schools literally 50% do not graduate and of those who do only 30% of them score proficient in their 11th grade state math and reading tests. I don't see how taking a 10th grade test for early college admission is a "game changer." Where are the Tough Choices for these Tough Times? This asks nothing of changing high schools
