Top Weekly Articles

Jul 18-24
  1. Hearing on H.R. 4692, the National Manufacturing Strategy Act of 2010
  2. Andy Grove is Right about Manufacturing
  3. Five reasons why China will rule tech
Jul 11-17
  1. AMT and NAM Collaborate to Promote U.S. Manufacturing
  2. A Glimpse into the Future of Engineering
  3. EU President to Push 'Sustainable Materials' Initiative
Jul 4-10
  1. A National Manufacturing Policy
  2. NACFAM Releases its Sustainability Framework Model
  3. Manufacturers Release Comprehensive Strategy for Global Competitiveness
Jun 27 - Jul 3
  1. 2010 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index
  2. 5 Reasons Why GRI is the New LEED
  3. The Real Cost of Holding a Meeting that Sucks!
Jun 20-26
  1. Four New Directors Elected to the NACFAM Board
  2. Industry's Next Step Forward
  3. Is 100% American Content the Best Route for High-Speed Rail?
Jun 13-19
  1. A Manufacturing Agenda for America
  2. Improving Technology Commercialization to Drive Future Economic Growth
  3. What if there's no fix for high unemployment?
  4. GAO Report faults Pentagon's Buying of Spare Parts
    Jun 6-12
    1. The Manufacturing Sector as Sacrificial Lamb
    2. Partnership for Sustainable Manufacturing
    3. Outsourcing Innovation
    May 30 - Jun 5
    1. NSF releases first data from new Business R&D and Innovation survey
    2. Rusty Patterson Elected as NACFAM’s New CEO
    3. NACFAM Speaks at White House PCAST Meeting on Manufacturing
    May 23-29
    1. Defense Manufacturing: A Crisis in the Making
    2. America Competes Act fails again
    3. Website Connect Suppliers and Buyers of Energy Saving Equipment
    May 16-22
    1. New Advanced Manufacturing Competency Model Released
    2. Website Connect Suppliers and Buyers of Energy Saving Equipment
    3. GE to Use Lean for New Product Line
    May 9-15
    1. The Sustainability Imperative
    2. Manufacturing the Future of America
    3. MFGWatch Survey: Backshoring Trend Accelerates, Supply Disruptions Persist, Employment Flat With Small Manufacturers
    4. How Predictive Innovation will Change Manufacturing Forever
    May 2-8
    1. DOD and Industry Leaders Cite Industrial Base Concerns
    2. We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint
    3. Wanted: Engineers for Advanced Manufacturing
    Apr 25 - May 1
    1. Why A National Innovation Strategy Must Be Implemented
    2. Wisconsin sustainable manufacturing initiative launches
    3. DLA Announces Sustainable Manufacturing Founding Opportunity
    4. US Machine Shop Profiled on CNN
    Apr 18 - 24
    1. NIST-MEP White Paper Assesses the Present and Future of American Manufacturing
    2. RoHS—the sting in the tail
    3. NIST-TIP Grants for Manufacturing (Submissions Due July 15th)
    Apr 11 - 17
    1. A State-by-State Resource Guide for Obtaining Federal or State Funding
    2. White House Launches Policy Forum on the Future of U.S. Advanced Manufacturing
    Apr 4 - 10
    1. How To Revive American Manufacturing
    2. U.S. Job Loss to China Trade Shown by State and Industry
    3. United States: A Strategy for Innovation
    Mar 28 - Apr 3
    1. Politicians have been misled by innovation myths
    2. The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Releases Nanotechnology Report
    3. U.S Productivity Growth Predicted to be Slowest in History
    4. Manufacturing Camp for Kids
    Mar 21-27
    1. The Future of Manufacturing: What is the Role of the Federal Government in Supporting Innovation by U.S. Manufacturers?
    2. Lean or Six Sigma: Which is More in Demand?
    3. House Appropriators Question DOE’s Energy R&D Programs
    4. The Training Imperative
    Mar 14-20
    1. SME Unveils Annual “Innovations That Could Change the Way You Manufacture” List
    2. Eight Ideas for Improving the America COMPETES Act
    3. Grumpy Workers Are More Productive - 3 Cheers to Ebenezer?
    Mar 7-13
    1. Ten U.S. Senators Write to President Urging Creation of National Manufacturing Policy 
    2. The Innovation Delusion 
    3. Trading Away Productivity 
    4. Networking the Green Economy
    Feb 28 - Mar 6
    1. Rep. Lipinski (D-IL) Introduces Manufacturing Strategy Bill, HR 4692
    2. The Future of Manufacturing?
    3. Consistent Characteristics of Competitive Manufacturers
    Feb 21-27
    1. The Case for Investing in Manufacturing
    2. The Beginning of a Manufacturing Policy
    3. R&D Credit Coalition Statement on Senate Jobs Proposals
    Feb 14-20
    1. How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America
    2. DOE Leads Federal Funding for a Regional Innovation Cluster
    3. Poll Finds U.S. Manufacturers Become Less Competitive, and Offshoring Remains Attractive
    Feb 7-13
    1. White House Seeks Public Input On Innovation Goals
    2. Budget 2011: Industry Clusters as a Paradigm for Job Growth
    3. Smarter Manufacturing: Six Opportunities Manufacturers Have To Pounce Upon
    Jan 31 - Feb 6
    1. Bringing manufacturing skills to students
    2. NIST unveils framework for US smart grid
    3. Bridging the Valley of Death: A New Business Model
    Jan 24-30
    1. The Case for Backshoring
    2. New Report: The Challenges to Manufacturing
    3. MMTC President Testifies on CommerceConnect Pilot
    Jan 17-23
    1. Sec. Locke - America's Broken Innovation System
    2. Paul D. Ericksen Joins Wisconsin MEP to Manage National DoD Supply Chain Initiative
    3. National Science Board Releases Science and Engineering Indicators 2010
    Jan 10-16
    1. Rationales and Mechanisms for Revitalizing U.S. Manufacturing R&D Strategies
    2. New England Pilot Project Cuts Energy Costs for Massachusetts Manufacturers
    3. Parallel Programming: Soon the Only Game in Town
    Jan 3-9
    1. Obama's "Framework for Revitalizing American Manufacturing" a step in the right direction
    2. NIST Grants Support Emerging Metal Technologies
    3. The Great Industrial Wall of China
    Dec 27 - Jan 8 
    1. Industrial Policy: The Road Not Taken
    2. Federal Dollars Fuel Local Efficiency: Cities Ready to Lead
    3. The Year in Innovation
    Dec 20 - 26, 2009
    1. White House Announces New Framework for Revitalizing Manufacturing
    2. From the Nominee, Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing, Services
    3. Creating Jobs through Energy Efficiency
    Dec 13 - 19, 2009
    1. Interagency report on international competitiveness and climate regulations released
    2. Stimulating Clean, Green Manufacturing (S. 2857)
    3. Manufacturing technology consumption down 65.9% in 2009
    Dec 6 - 12, 2009
    1. The Future of Manufacturing 2009
    2. CNBC - The Future of "Made in the USA"
    3. MassMEP Training Program Featured at White House Jobs Summit